

Bachelor of Medicine – Surgery Doctor

Based on the socioeconomic reality of the country, on the existing health problems, the doctor graduated at UPAL must have the capacity to understand the different situations related to the health-disease process, to understand that health is not only problem solving but it’s also the contribution to the development of social transformation processes that build values and actions into promote and defend health and life.

Important Information

Bachelor of Medicine – Surgery doctor

Semesters: 10

Duration: 6 years including Internship

The UPAL Medicine career trains honest professionals, with social sensitivity and competent in clinical, surgical and community care, in order to prevent, treat and rehabilitate the patient’s health, committed to social and scientific research in the community.

The UPAL Surgeon may work in:

  • Patient care in public or private health institutions.
  • Patient care in health insurance.
  • Authority in charge of health programs.
  • Emergencies and/or medical urgencies in public and private health entities.
  • Prevention and contingency campaigns for epidemics and pandemics. 
  • Creation and management of national and international health programs.
  • Administration and mangement of health institutions.
  • Perform as authority in charge of health programs.  

Contacto Universidad

Campus Túpac Amaru

Túpac Amaru 1816
Esquina Paso del Inca
Cochabamba, Bolivia

(591) 4- 4486100

Lu – Vie:

  • 8:00 a 12:30 hrs.
  • 14:30 a 18:30 hrs.

Social Info


Student Requirements

– Photocopy of bachelor’s degree, legalized by the issuing University or SEDUCA.
– Original Birth Certificate.
– Photocopy of Identity Card.
Two 3 × 3 photographs with beige or light background.

1.- Photocopy of bachelor’s degree or equivalent document that enables you to pursue higher studies, legalized by:

Option 1
Apostille Procedure (DS. 3541 of April 25, 2018) in the country of origin

Option 2
Ministry of Education of the Country of Origin
Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Country of Origin
Bolivian Consulate in the Country of Origin
Ministries of Foreign Affairs in Bolivia (Chancellery)
(both options are valid)

2.- Original Birth Certificate or photocopy, legalized by:

Option 1
Apostille Procedure (DS. 3541 of April 25, 2018) in the country of origin

Option 2
– Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Country of Origin
Bolivian Consulate in the Country of Origin
Ministries of Foreign Affairs in Bolivia (Chancellery)
(both options are valid)

3.- Photocopy of the passport with student VISA or legal residence in Bolivia
4.- Two 3 x 3 size photographs with beige or light background

Graduation Modalities

Research work that is characterized by its methodological and scientific rigor in order to provide demonstrable solutions and answers to a scientific problem, formulating applicable alternatives or proposing practical or theoretical solutions.

Consists of a written work that meets the demands of scientific methodology, which describes an ordered set of resources and actions leading to generate proposals related to plans, programs, models, prototypes, architectures, devices, codes, installers and others applicable to a certain process, unit, organization, group, product or service, for its improvement, innovation, modernization or technological development.

Consists of an evaluation through oral or written tests to measure the effectiveness of the professional training process, valuing knowledge, comprehension, analysis and the application of theories and procedures to situations in a determined discipline. The number of tests will be defined based on the number of areas or disciplines of the practice of the profession.

Consists in the elaboration of a systematic and methodical work, the result of the treatment of a practical problem or specific topic, developed in a public or private, productive or service institution, accredited and recognized in the respective branch or area of the discipline, which raises an applicable intervention proposal.

Graduation by excellence is a modality that exempts outstanding students from going through other types or modalities of graduation; they voluntarily join this type of graduation.

Why study Medicine at UPAL?

For academic quality, personalized practices, entire semiannual career, personalized clinical specialties with specialists in the field, high academic level teachers, accessibility, agreements with health institutions that guarantee hospital and community practices. Laboratory of morphology, physiology, parasitology and microbiology suitable for practices.

Interested in the career? Our students and teachers have created this video to help you in your choice.

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